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Total Records: 29 - Group: OTHER / Category: LIVING THINGS / Subcategory: FISH
Record Name
1Babel FishTHE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY 1978 LiteratureLiving ThingsFish

Babel Fish
A small, yellow and leech-like fish that if you stick it in your ear, allows you to instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language.

2Babel Fish THE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY 2005 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Babel Fish
Stick a Babel Fish in your ear in order to understand anything said to you in any language.

3Babel FishSO LONG, AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH 1984 LiteratureLiving ThingsFish

Babel Fish
Translator fish that Arthur removes from his ear after his adventures off-Earth, and drops in a bowl of water in his house.

4BananafishNINE STORIES 1953 LiteratureLiving ThingsFish

Tragic fish that gorge themselves on bananas, become too large to escape their feeding holes, and die.

5Ceti Eel STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN 1982 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Ceti Eel
A burrowing desert animal on Ceti Alpha V.

6Ceti Eel STAR TREK: DISCOVERY 2017 TV SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Ceti Eel
There are two Ceti Eels seen in a skillet in the Orion city on Qo'noS.

7Colo Claw Fish SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY 2018 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Colo Claw Fish
When Han and Qi'ra return to Dryden's office, he offers them a plate of colo claw fish, one of the sea creatures in The Phantom Menace.

8Colo Claw Fish STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE 1999 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Colo Claw Fish
Giant sea creature on the planet Naboo.

9Cosmic Knowledge FishMUPPETS FROM SPACE 1999 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Cosmic Knowledge Fish
The fish Gonzo talks to in space.

10Crayon Pony-fish THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Crayon Pony-fish
Klaus Daimler's nephew Werner's gift to Steve.

11Electric Jellyfish THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Electric Jellyfish
Glowing jellyfish on the beach that Team Zissou is inspecting when Steve asks Ned to join the crew.

12Golden Flying Fish of Maximum Toxic Impa...FIGHT CLUB 2 2015 Comic BooksLiving ThingsFish

Golden Flying Fish of Maximum Toxic Impact
Animal that Tyler requests in preparation for his next Phase of Global Transformation, from Tyler's Chaos Report.

13Gooberfish STAR WARS EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE 1999 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Large aquatic sea creature that attacks the Jedi's Bongo when they are leaving Gungan City.

14Hermes EelTHE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Hermes Eel
Patterned after an Hermes scarf.

15Japanese Fighting FishTHE NAKED GUN 1988 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Japanese Fighting Fish
The fish in the fishtank inLudwig's office, valued at over $20,000 - a luxury item to be sure, but Ludwig is a man who appreciates the finer things in life. Frank kills it with Ludwig's priceless Samurai pen. He destroys the pen in the process as well, all on accident, of course.

16Krallinian Eel STAR TREK: VOYAGER 1995 TV SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Krallinian Eel
Haakonian Dr. Ma'Bor Jetrel - the man responsible for developing the Metreon Cascade, a superweapon that killed over 300,000 people on Talax's moon Rinax, including Neelix's family - suspects Neelix may have a fatal blood disease called metremia. Neelix would rather be immersed in a pit of Krallinian Eels than be examined by him.

17Monkey Fish ORPHAN BLACK 2013 TV SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Monkey Fish
Joke Felix makes to Kira, also known as Monkey. Felix: "Darling, why don't you go take a stroll down the bend? See if you can find some fish... See if you can find the monkey fish."

18Rat Tail Envelope FishTHE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU 2004 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Rat Tail Envelope Fish
Also known as Hydronicus inverticus. Appeared in the trailer but not the film.

19Rishi Eel STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS 2008 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Rishi Eel
Giant eel that that eats a clone trooper Hevy outside Rishi Outpost.

20Rokarian Dirt Fish STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS 2008 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Rokarian Dirt Fish
Animal that Ahsoka Tano mentions when threatening the Viceroy.

21Silver Ring Fish THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES 1950 LiteratureLiving ThingsFish

Silver Ring Fish
Fish on Mars: "A silver ring fish floated by them, undulating, and closing like an iris, instantly, around food particles, to assimilate them."

22Slarg Fish THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Slarg Fish
Fish in Barnacle Bay. You don't eat it, its oil is used to polish stripper poles.

23Spetan Channelfish STAR WARS EPISODE VIII: THE LAST JEDI 2017 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Spetan Channelfish
Creature that Luke hunts for food on Temple Island.

24Steelpecker STAR WARS EPISODE VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS 2015 FilmLiving ThingsFish

Bird like creature on Jakku when Rey arrives at Niima Outpost.

25Stinging Red Jellyfish THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Stinging Red Jellyfish
The residents of Springfield celebrate the return of the stinging red jellyfish with the Annual Jellyfish Festival every year on the "3rd Tuesday of May sweeps", featuring a dance called The Jellyfish Cotillion.

26Synthetic Laser Eels RICK AND MORTY 2013 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Synthetic Laser Eels
Creatures Rick and Morty have oxidizing in the garage, that eventually escape.

27Treel BABYLON 5 1993 TV SeriesLiving ThingsFish

A sort of fish. The Centauri raise them. Susan Ivanova offers them to her Rabbi uncle.

28Violet Five Point Starfish THE TICK 2016 TV SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Violet Five Point Starfish
What the gang feeds Lobstercules' children.

29Yum-Yum Fish THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesLiving ThingsFish

Yum-Yum Fish
Fish that used to be plentiful in Barnacle Bay, but disappeared years ago.

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